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Server Information

Here you will find all basic information about TibiaSucks

World configuration:
Hosted in Canada (North America)
Custom RPG experience
Custom Optimized Client (OpenGL)
Anti-bot & Dll Injection protected
Automatic database backup
Game Configuration:
Loot rate: 2x
Magic rate: Staged
Skill rate: Staged
Exp rate: Staged
Battle Configuration:
Frags to Red Skull: 4
Frags to Ban: 6
Frag duration: 12h
Unjustified player killing ban time: 7 days.
Final ban time: 30 days.
Red skull disappear when all frags gone.
Modified speed formula
Demonic Boss System
Item Upgrade System
In-Game Highscores
Client Ingame Character Creation
Smooth Rune Aiming
Party EXP Boost
Oldschool UHTrap
Advanced Task System
Backpack Config Autosave System (loads backpacks as you had them on last logout)
Extra Side Panels
Traveling Rashid System
Blessing System
All spells, promotion, etc available for free accounts
Make Runes directly from Backpacks
One-click Gold Conversion
Much more, check us out in-game!