Server Information
Here you will find all basic information about TibiaSucks
World configuration: |
Hosted in Canada (North America) |
Custom RPG experience |
Custom Optimized Client (OpenGL) |
Anti-bot & Dll Injection protected |
Automatic database backup |
Game Configuration: |
Loot rate: 2x |
Magic rate: Staged |
Skill rate: Staged |
Exp rate: Staged |
Battle Configuration: |
Frags to Red Skull: 4 |
Frags to Ban: 6 |
Frag duration: 12h |
Unjustified player killing ban time: 7 days. |
Final ban time: 30 days. |
Red skull disappear when all frags gone. |
Gameplay: |
Modified speed formula |
Demonic Boss System |
Item Upgrade System |
In-Game Highscores |
Client Ingame Character Creation |
Smooth Rune Aiming |
Party EXP Boost |
Oldschool UHTrap |
Advanced Task System |
Backpack Config Autosave System (loads backpacks as you had them on last logout) |
Extra Side Panels |
Traveling Rashid System |
Blessing System |
All spells, promotion, etc available for free accounts |
Make Runes directly from Backpacks |
One-click Gold Conversion |
Much more, check us out in-game! |